God is calling us to come so that we find rest first and foremost. He is not a task master or calling us into slavery. Instead, He is calling us to enter into freedom. The first thing He intends to do for us is to give us rest. He wants to take care of us and remove the heavy burdens keeping us down. Do you see God that way? When you hear the invitation to deepen your relationship with God, do you see that you are important to Him, above everything else you can do for Him? Believe Him and come to Him so that He can care for you. In the same manner, take care of yourself by treasuring His love. Step into a deeper walk with God and begin the journey of self-discovery and healing in the process. Your wellbeing brings glory to God!
Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. /Mat 11:28/
You are a blessing to your brother and sister. That is true because the Christ in you is ready to minster to the people around you. We see and touch Christ as we let Christ become visible through us to each other. You are the most beautiful in Christ. Only when you are in His Spirit will you truly appreciate the beauty in your brothers and sisters. The Holy Spirit in you will give insight to grasp and appreciate the beauty in others.
A deeper walk with God is possible as we stay focused on Christ. The life of deeper walk has to do more about relating to the Person of Jesus Christ than anything we can think of doing. Therefore, learn to center yourself in fellowship with Him - the One you love the most. Abiding in Him is the key. As long as we remain in Him, His life will continue to flow through us in an increasing measure. Stay in His love and enjoy life the way it was meant to be in the first place. The diagnosis of your life at any point needs to pass this test: are you abiding in Him?