The glorious journey of deeper walk with God begins on the path of love, as it commences with a sweet freedom from all the distractions keeping us from being sold out for Him and Him alone. One needs to be free first in order to be able to walk this love journey with the Lord. This is why the Lord calls us, those who are heavy laden, to come to Him in order to exchange our burden for His rest which brings us to freedom of the soul.
Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Mathew 11:28
Once we are free, only few turn their attention to Him. Instead, most try to figure out how God can give them more stuff. The Lord is patient and waits for us until we have an appetite for Him and push aside our fleshy cravings aside.
Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth! For your love is better than wine Song of Songs 1:2
Coming to this position, preferring His love over the wine, requires a breakthrough. This doesn't come easily; it is acquired only after years of struggle and growing pains in the school of life. Only after brokenness can one achieve this kind of wholeness. This is the beginning though, for we need His divine touch to speed our growth thanks to His abundant grace.
Loving the Lord in a genuine way requires one to devote the whole mind, soul, and heart to Him. It necessitates a focused effort on our part to come to appreciate His glory. There are many bondages that immobilize one from experiencing a deep love fellowship with God. That is why the adventure of going deeper with the Lord requires absolute freedom from the care of the world.
We are going through the Song of Songs, digesting what it means to experience a deeper walk with God that manifests itself in becoming intimate with Him and enjoying His amazing love. As we venture on this glorious journey, let us examine where our hearts are. Do we need His blessings desperately or have we reached a point that He Himself is most appealing to our soul? Is His love better than life itself for us? Make a commitment with God to experience the Song of Songs in this journey we are making together. Glory awaits!